The Naturopathic Studio

Your one-stop virtual studio, offering telehealth naturopathic consultations, accessible resources including e-books and guides, and natural healthcare products delivered conveniently to your doorstep.


  • Discover a harmonious blend of ancient wisdom and evidenced-based medicine with our virtual naturopathy appointment.

    During our 90-minute initial consultation, we deep dive into your present & past health status, from a holistic perspective, encompassing the realms of mind, body, and spirit.

    After our case-taking, we will work together to create a personalized treatment plan. This path is tailored precisely to you, including personalized nutritional strategies, botanical medicine, nutraceuticals and lifestyle interventions.

    Embark on your journey towards rejuvenation and equilibrium by scheduling your appointment today

  • Experience the magic of iridology readings and uncover your inner strengths, traits, and the significance of iris markings.

    During our 30-minute in-person analysis, Bonny will briefly explore your current state of health, and take detailed image of your iris, capturing the unique essence of YOU.

    At the end of your session, a 2-page personalised diet and lifestyle report will be sent to your inbox within 3 business days.

    This report is your roadmap to harmonize your life with the wisdom of your iris, paving the way for optimal well-being.

    Schedule your iridology assessment today, and let the wisdom of your iris guide you towards a healthier, more harmonious life.

  • Join Bonny for an online flower essence reading where she taps into your energy through intuitive card readings, unveiling hidden subconscious blockages.

    Together, you'll embark on a profound journey, delving into the symbolism of the cards, and uncovering the messages they bring to you to enhance your healing and growth.

    At the end of your session, you'll receive a 25-vibrational flower essence bottle, curated with intuitively selected flowers. These flower essences will serve as a continuous source of support and transformation as you walk your path of healing.

    Let the healing power of vibrational flower essences illuminate your way forward by booking your reading.